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Quantum Computing and the Need for Organization-Wide Cryptographic Audits


Many organizations have not thought about post-quantum migrations at all, citing the lack of standards — a situation that will change dramatically this year when NIST release the new Quantum Standards


There has never been a more pressing need for organizations to Audit their Infrastructure and Codebase so they can plan and test for migrating to the new NIST approved Cryptographic Algorithms

Cryptographic security stands as a paramount concern for organizations entrusted with safeguarding sensitive data and communications. Traditional cryptographic algorithms, once considered secure, are now vulnerable to the computational power of quantum computers. As such, it has become imperative for organizations to fortify their cryptographic infrastructure against the looming quantum threat.


SafeCipher recognizes the critical importance of assessing and strengthening cryptographic defences to mitigate the risks posed by quantum attacks. Through a comprehensive audit process, we aim to identify and remediate weak or legacy cryptographic algorithms that are susceptible to quantum exploitation. To achieve this, we employ a multifaceted approach that integrates the assessment of infrastructure components alongside codebase analysis facilitated by the Cryptographic Bill of Materials (CBOM).



Exposing Weak or Legacy Algorithms Vulnerable to Quantum Attacks:


1. Infrastructure Assessment: Our audit tasks encompass evaluating cryptographic standards, policies, and infrastructure components to identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with industry best practices and regulatory requirements. Through this assessment, we identify deprecated or non-compliant cryptographic algorithms and recommend their replacement with quantum-resistant alternatives.


2. Codebase Analysis with CBOM: In addition to infrastructure evaluation, we leverage CBOM to conduct a thorough examination of the organization’s codebase. CBOM serves as a powerful tool that trails through code, identifying weak or legacy cryptographic algorithms that may be susceptible to quantum attacks. By standardizing the inventory of cryptographic assets and assessing compliance with policies and advisories, CBOM enables us to pinpoint vulnerable algorithms embedded within the organization’s software systems.


3. Infrastructure and Codebase: By combining infrastructure assessment with codebase analysis facilitated by CBOM, our audit process provides comprehensive coverage, ensuring that no weak or legacy cryptographic algorithm goes unnoticed. This proactive approach empowers organizations to fortify their cryptographic defences, mitigate the risks associated with quantum attacks, and uphold the integrity and confidentiality of their data and communications.



Through meticulous attention to these critical areas, our consultancy empowers your organization to achieve cryptographic compliance and fortify its defences against the quantum threat, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of cryptographic operations.